Thursday, 22 March 2012

A taste of #IATEFL 2012 - Days 3 and 4

These are the blogposts that helped me get a feeling of what happened at #IATEFL the two last days. Enjoy!

Sandy Millin's post about the talk she delivered on Internet in ESL

Chris Lima's account of Literature and Film sessions

Stephen Greene's great summary on Evelina Miscin's session on Facebook

Susan Dreger's reflective post on Jeremy Harmer's READ talk

Marisa Constantinides and first f2f #ELTchat ever!

Following the event through these colleagues' blogposts (in addition to IATEFL's official page) has made the experience so enriching! And it's also such a great way to come to know amazing blogs out there! It was fantastic to see some Argentinian teachers blogging about the conference! It's always a great pleasure to get to know or keep in touch with other local teachers who share my interests! These are their blogs:

Creative Technology
Global English
At a finger tip

Nice to meet you guys! 

See you tomorrow for wrap up & goodbye!


You might want to see my previous post on the conference: A taste of #IATEFL 2012 - Days 1 and 2


  1. Thank you for sharing my blog! I really enjoyed ready some of your post. You have a very nice blog :) Keep in touch

  2. Sorry for the typo. I really enjoyed reading some of your posts. :)

  3. Thanks for you kind comment! Yes, let's keep in touch! As I wrote, it's such a pleasure to meet Argentinian teachers in cyberspace (haha)!

    Great hugs!

