The Pro.t Conference in February was definitely one of the most worthy experiences this summer. The event brought together amazing national and international speakers who talked about up-to-date, hot topics in the ELT field. And it was a great opportunity to meet colleagues and old friends!
This is a selection of the thoughts and reflections offered by the speakers at the workshops I attended (there were many more, it was sooo difficult to chose!).
If you decide to tell a story, chose the one YOU like. It shows!
Mariana Derfler (Mariana blogs
The problem with listening is not the lack of skills but the lack of language. We have to raise awareness of the characteristics of oral speech, including phonetics.
Jeff Stranks (
here's Jeff's webpage)
The deepest truths available to human beings have been transmitted through stories.
Students and teachers are empowered when given the opportunity to choose how they want to learn.
Neil McMahon (find more about Neil's presentation
Students are only motivated by things that are meaningful to them.
Neil McMahon
In a country where authentic learning situations are rarely found, teachers need to learn to appreciate and resort to the magic of Internet, exploiting free sources and resources for genuine interaction.
Jennifer Verschoor (Jennifer blogs
Many times, teachers just "deliver" materials. What about acting as mediators intead of postmen? Jamie Keddie (Jamie is the author of the well-known
Mainstream beliefs may prevent each particular teacher's delivery techniques from flourishing. Jamie Keddie
Digital literacies are the technical and social practices needed to effectively interact with digital technologies. They are the key 21st century skills.
Thanks Pro.t for a wonderful event!